An important message from your pastor

COVID19 Update:

My beloved church family, Our council met last night and we have decided for the safety of our community to suspend all worship, fellowship activities, and meetings at our two campuses for the time being. The food pantry will continue to operate and the pastor and church administrator will be working remotely. Currently Pr. Katherine is exploring online worship experiences on Facebook Live or Youtube so that we can continue to gather together in Word and prayer through a digital platform. Please watch for updates on this. Please call Pastor Katherine with any questions or concerns. She can be reached at 765-438-9536 or While we will not be meeting in person as a church, there are still ways we can be a church family at this time: We are encouraging people to: Call your neighbors and check on them. Practice social distancing to help ‘flatten the curve”. Pray. Mail in your church offering if you are financially able to do so (Wilbur Community Church, PO BOX 253 Wilbur WA 99185). Join upcoming remote worship opportunities. Remember: God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble. (Ps 46)

Katherine Tuttle
Presiding Bishop Eaton's Reflections on COVID-19

Dear friends, this week at the church office we are catching up to a rapidly changing world and situation. I will be posting short reflections, materials, videos etc. here to help remind us of the ways God is present and how we can continue to be present to one another, even as we remain physically distant. For today, watch this short video from the presiding bishop of the ELCA.

Katherine Tuttle